Webinar - Avoiding Disputes on ESCO Projects - Best Practices for Long-Term Success

Webinar - Avoiding Disputes on ESCO Projects - Best Practices for Long-Term Success
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EST)
Avoiding Disputes on ESCO Projects - Best Practices for Long-Term Success
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Energy savings projects can have very long contract durations – during which disputes may arise between the ESCO and the owner. This webinar will discuss some of the disputes that can occur and offer actions that will help avoid and successfully resolve common disputes.
Steve Lindemann, Chair of Business and Commercial Litigation Division, Stinson LLP
Steve Lindemann works with companies involved in the construction industry to manage risk and to solve problems. He also serves as the lead attorney for Fortune 100 companies who have selected Stinson as their national construction counsel.
Steve is a lawyer who serves as chair of the commercial litigation division at the national law firm of Stinson, LLP. He has represented contractor and design professional clients in trials, arbitrations and mediations involving design and construction defects, delays, disruption, energy efficiency guarantees, mechanic’s liens, payment bonds, construction cost audits, claims for extra work and catastrophic fire loss. Steve also counsels construction and energy clients on a broad range of issues, from contract negotiation to dispute avoidance. He has extensive experience representing energy services companies in connection with performance contracts and helping other clients involved with government contracts and P3 projects.
Ranked as one of America’s Leading Business Lawyers in Minnesota in construction law by Chambers USA, Steve has also been named among The Best Lawyers in America® in the area of construction law and has been selected multiple times for inclusion in Super Lawyers® in the area of construction litigation.
Benjamin Eastburn, Attorney & Partner, Stinson LLP
Ben is a former U.S. Navy officer and shipyard project manager, and he has served as a vice president and general counsel for a specialty construction company. He has a wealth of practical knowledge from these roles that he brings to bear for each client he represents. In his current role, Ben represents a host of clients nationwide, primarily in the construction and energy industries. Ben’s clients include owners, developers, general contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. He serves as a vital resource to clients in a variety of energy-related matters including renewable energy companies, energy savings performance contractors, and utilities. Ben has significant experience negotiating and drafting contract documents for commercial construction, EPC, UESC, and energy savings performance contracting projects. He also handles disputes involving construction and design defects, performance and energy efficiency guarantees, delays, disruptions, cost overruns, government contracting, lien, bond, and equitable price adjustment claims.
NOTE: Beginning in 2023, all NAESCO webinars will be offered to all attendees at no cost.
This webinar will not be recorded.

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