BluePath Finance, Inc.
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BluePath Finance, Inc.
BluePath owns and finances sustainable infrastructure including energy retrofit, solar and battery, EV charging, distributed generation, and new building projects. We specialize in financing technologies that reduce, store, and generate energy where it is used. New and remodeled buildings need to satisfy tightening carbon emission standards. Financing structures must be nimble enough to capitalize on the cost and environmental savings generated. We provide project funding for our ESCO partners by offering a range of financing options, including solar PPAs, Energy-as-a-Service, municipal debt, PACE, and other structures. BluePath provides all aspects of the financing process, including contract support, diligence, pricing, funding, and servicing. From municipalities and non-profits to commercial and industrial clients and across technologies, BluePath provides efficient, affordable, and sustainable infrastructure financing. Please see for more information.
Membership Type
Energy Service Affiliate Member 1