Membership Application (Other Categories)Home » Membership Application (Other Categories) Select An Option Energy Service Affiliate Member 1 $8870 Annually Any entity which does not qualify for Full Membership including, but not limited to utility companies (unless engaged in Full Member activities); subcontractors, equipment manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers; engineering and design companies; financial institutions; companies engaged primarily in power marketing, brokering, commodity risk management, and facility management; consultants; and trade association representatives, shall be eligible as an Affiliate Member of the Corporation.US $8,870 annually (companies with gross revenues of more than $3 million) Energy Service Affiliate Member 2 $4850 Annually Any entity which does not qualify for Full Membership including, but not limited to utility companies (unless engaged in Full Member activities); subcontractors, equipment manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers; engineering and design companies; financial institutions; companies engaged primarily in power marketing, brokering, commodity risk management, and facility management; consultants; and trade association representatives, shall be eligible as an Affiliate Member of the Corporation.US $4,850 annually (companies with gross revenues of less than $3 million) International $2000 Annually International MemberCompanies or individuals domiciled outside the U.S. involved in selling energy products and/or services outside the U.S. Companies domiciled outside of the U.S. with offices or representatives in the U.S. are not eligible to join in this category (see ESA category). Companies based in the U.S. which pursue international business opportunities are not eligible to join in this category. Public Sector This category includes entities and individuals in local, state or federal governments, and 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) organizations.Government - $0.00 Non Profit 501(c)3 $500 Annually This category includes entities and individuals in local, state or federal governments, and 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) organizations.501(c)(3) - $500 Non Profit 501(c)6 $2000 Annually This category includes entities and individuals in local, state or federal governments, and 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) organizations.501(c)(6) - $2,000 Enter Contact Information Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.) First Name Last Name Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III) Designations E-mail Family NameBusiness Name View Membership Terms Next Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist Powered By GrowthZone